The text for this sermon is taken from 1 Timothy 3:1-16
MEMORISE: “Shepherd the flock of God, which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly.” 1Pet. 5:2
PRACTICAL TRUTH: God’s Standard for leadership cannot be compromised.
Effective leadership is crucial for the success of any organization, including the church. Recognizing this, the Apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, outlined qualifications for church leaders. Godly leadership remains vital for today’s churches, enabling them to discern and refute false teachings while proclaiming the truth. This week’s lesson will equip you with valuable insights for the next time your church seeks a pastor, elects deacons, or searches for new leaders.
Effective church leadership is essential for providing structure, guidance, and spiritual nourishment within the congregation. The local church serves a greater purpose than merely being a social gathering. Its primary mission is to introduce individuals to Christ and foster their spiritual growth.
The Church in Ephesus had problems with their leaders teaching false doctrine, Paul then presented some qualifications for leadership. So, this forms the basis for appointing new leaders in our churches today qualifications for leadership. So this forms the basis for appointing new leaders in our churches today.
The word “Bishop” (1 Timothy 3:1) and the word “Overseer” in Acts 20:28 are used interchangeably in the scripture. These terms closely describe today’s pastors.
In Vs 2, the quality of being blameless provides the basic requirement necessary for
those who aspire to be pastors. If the pastor’s conduct is blameless, neither the pastor, nor the church or the gospel will be brought into disrepute. Some churches restrict those who have been divorced and remarried from the office a pastor vigilance (Leviticus 21:7 & verse 14, Matthew 19:3-9, 1Timothy 4:12, 1Peter 5:1-4). This describes a person who avoids the influence of alcohol. “Being Sober” can be translated to mean self-control. It refers to someone who is rational and sensible in a wide variety of life situations. Any pastor who lacks this quality will offend his personal conduct. The phrase “of good behavior” indicates that the pastor must be respectable and modest in his behavior he must also be hospitable to all.
In Vs.3, the phrase “not given to wine” emphasizes the effect of alcohol on the individual. The godly pastor will not allow for alcohol in his life.
The words “Striker” and “brawler” refer s to a contentious and violent spirit. The pastor who is quarrelsome cannot be conducive to the Ministry. This type of attitude is not a characteristic of a Godly leader. The pastor’s motivation for ministry should not be
money, but a love for God and others. Greed has no place in the life of God’s servants as the moral character of those who minister to others is of prime importance. The lives of many people have been negatively influenced because a minister failed to live according to God’s standard. I pray that as we seek godly pastor to lead our churches, we will see the gospel honored in the lives of these leaders.
In 1Timothy 3:4-7 being able to lead others with spiritual maturity is an important aspect of being a spiritual leader. This is especially true of leadership in the home. The pastor manages his family by guiding them and caring for them with a loving concern. According to Paul, if a pastor does not have caring concern for his own family, he will not have a genuine concern for the church of God.
In addition, because pastor is the spiritual leader of the church, he needs to be a matured believer He must not be a novice. Finally the pastor is to have a “good report” from those
outside the church. That is his social and business dealing must be above reproach. If not, the pastor, the church and the gospel will be slandered, and those outside the church may not be willing to join the church.
2. LAY LEADERSHIP. 1. TIM. 3:8-12
There are many opportunities for ministry in the church today. One of these is the office of a deacon. The word deacon is from the Greek word “Diakos” which means servant. It seems to refer to laypersons who are involved in the practical areas of the ministry of the church. In Acts 6:1-6, these deacons served the church in practical areas so that the Apostles could devote more attention to prayers and the Word. These helps were also ministers of the word Acts 6:1 through Acts 7:58 and Acts 21:8.
Deacons must realize that their position within the church is one with a great responsibility 1Timothy 3:8 and they must take their responsibilities seriously and live in a manner that will cause others to respect them. One of the ways in which this can be accomplished is through their speech and conducts. They must be honest in all their dealings with others, they must abstain from alcohol, they must not be a bad example to others, they must not use their position in the ministry as a means to enriching themselves, they are required to adhere to the revealed truths of the gospel Vs. 9. they must stand the test of fidelity, they must prove themselves “blameless”, and must present an example of a faithful, monogamous marriage relationship it is then that such deacons and their wives would be able to help other couples in the church to maintain strong marriages and sexual purity.
Paul hoped to personally visit the troubled Ephesians’ church, but he was prevented. Leaders must personally visit the churches and members under their care. This is to know the state and welfare of the church and the people.
In conclusion, Godly leaders are essential for the church to be what God intended it to be
i.e. a place for Believers to gather for fellowship and spiritual worship and strong witness for God in a sinful society.
Your pastor has responsibility to care for you, He watches for our soul, and he will give
account to God for the way he has cared for you (Hebrews 13:17). So also, you need to make sure his accounting is with joy and not grief because your behavior must also make his responsibilities easier.