

    ONE NIGHT WITH THE KING Exploring Five Covenant Triggers of Favour, Ministering: Bishop David Oyedepo New dawn will only deliver on the platform of favour.

    Favour is not something to wait for; it is something to work at.
    – Psa. 135:102

    No one goes forward begging or sitting down; you go forward by taking steps. You have waited enough; it is time to arise and move forward!

    Covenant Triggers of Favour:

    1. Obedience of faith to whatever God commands. – Ps. 126:1-6

    – Obedience of faith can turn any issue around your life around.

    – Praising God in your disobedience is religious noise-making. – Amos 5:23

    – Only joyful obedience matters to God.

    – Only sustainable obedience secures access to favour. The day your obedience stops, favour stops.

    2. Love for God and the interest of His kingdom. – Rom. 8:28

    – You will never run out of favour when you stay in love with God. – Ps. 89:20

    – If you love God, you will love to see souls saved and you will love His house. – John 21:16

    3. Prayer and fasting. – Zech. 7:5

    4. Commitment to financial stewardship. – Mal. 3:10

    The foremost financial stewardship is tithing, because it secures every blessing every other channel provides.

    Financial fortune does not respect your fasting and prayer but your obedience to covenant steps.

    5. Engage with praise as a lifestyle.

    Every act of love is a seed but these seeds require watering with praise to bear fruits.
    – Pro. 12:14

    Everyone is Absolutely Responsible for the Outcome of Their Life

    Ministering: Bishop David Oyedepo

    Everything about your advancement in life requires your personal engagement.

    Stop being a prayer project; begin to take responsibility.

    In this kingdom, you have to press into your inheritance.
    – Luke 16:16

    We serve the God of speed; He created the entire world in 6 days, so He is up to anything He says.

    Beware of the evil heart of unbelief; it can turn a journey of 40 days into 40 years.
    – Num. 14: 28-34

    Procrastination is an enemy of progress and an enemy of destiny.


    Divine speed is engendered by light!

    Arise to walk in obedience, arise to walk in love, engage in covenant stewardship with understanding and watch God turn your life around.

    When faith is alive, God’s hand is stretched forth to perform.

    [08:00, 1/25/2025] +234 813 472 9780: Word Session 3

    Message Title: New Era Reality is At a New Order Cost

    Ministering: Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr.

    If you must see what what you have never seen before, you must be willing to do what you have never done before.

    Fasting is a covenant denominator for stirring the New Era. – Rom. 15:5

    Every product is the outcome of a process. The process you engage with, determines the product you are able to come out with.

    Case Studies of Those Who Engaged in the Process of Prayer & Fasting:

    1. Moses. – Ex. 34:27-28, Deut. 34:10-12

    – Moses stood in the class of his own because he paid the price of his own.

    2. Elijah. – 1 Kings 19:5-8, James 5:17-18

    – He became a man of power because he was a man of prayer and fasting.

    3. David. – Ps. 55:17; 63;1-2

    – He was loaded with the power of God as well as the glory of God because he paid the cost of prayer.

    4. Nehemiah. – Neh. 1:1-4, 2:8

    5. The Apostles of Jesus. – Acts. 2:1-6; 6:4

    – They were addicted to prayer, which led to an eruption of the church of Christ manifesting in that season.

    6. Paul the Apostle. – Acts 13:2, 2 Cor. 3:5; 11:27

    7. Jesus Christ. – Heb. 12:2

    – A new chapter opened up to Him as he engaged in prayer and fasting.

    – For anything to be accomplished, it takes a stretch.

    To see accomplishments physically, it takes a spiritual stretch.

    New Era at no cost is fake because nothing of value is free. – Prov. 13:11

    There is no open manifestation that is not a product of secret engagement.

    Why is Prayer and Fasting Necessary?

    1. Satan is not only after the Church as a body, but also after the lives and destinies of believers. – Luke 22:31

    2. The gates of hell are as much against the gates of the redeemed as they are against the Church. – Eph. 6:10-13

    3. Some gates of hell will not clear the way except faith is coupled with prayer and fasting. – Matt. 17:21

    [08:00, 1/25/2025] +234 813 472 9780: Word Session 4

    Message Title: Sowing in Your Land of Obedience Engenders A New Era Experience

    Ministering: Bishop David Oyedepo

    The instructions of the scriptures are never outdated; they are unchangeable, neither can they be adjusted.

    No one can change the truth; only the truth changes people. – 2 Cor. 13:8

    You can do nothing against the truth but for the truth.

    God’s plan for you is already blessed; stop going about with yours and ask for His plan.

    Your land of obedience is your land of new era. – Isa. 48:21

    You cannot sow in the land of obedience and not emerge as an envy to your world.

    To be displaced from your God-ordained place can be destructive – Isa. 30:1-3

    Your future is in God’s plan, not in your plan.

    Endeavour to secure your God-ordained place in your career, business and all other aspects of life.

    It is time to enter into your rest by engaging with God’s agenda for your life.

    You cannot be afflicted in your God-ordained place because it is a place of covering and rescuing.

    Missing your place in God will lead to being displaced in life. Therefore, guard yourself jealously.


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